
Showing posts from February, 2021

Some of the useful ports are:

                                   Some of the useful ports are: Port Name              Port Number ftp 21/tcp   Ssh 22/tcp telnet 23/tcp Stmp 25/tcp htpp 80/tcp Kerberos 88/tcp Pop3 110/tcp Imap 143/tcp https 443/tcp Ftps-data 989/tcp Ftps 990/tcp Telnets 992/tcp Imaps 993/tcp Pop3s 995/tcp Ldap 389/tcp

What is Scanning

                         Scanning scanning is phase of information gathering in which attacker gather more advanced information about the target like open ports and services running , operating system of the target , etc . Generally this phase gives us vulnerable point about the target. Information gathered by scanning is very important in performing actual HACK . It is important phase which help in gaining access into the system. In scanning, ect. will be covered. Attacker      →   OSI Layer (Layer 3 & 4)    ⟶  Target Network  Between attacker and target the core OSI module layers, layer 3 which is ipv4 , ipv6 and icmp and layer 4 which is TCP  and UPD is present. Transmission over a network is done through these layers. It is compulsory to understand the working of layer 3 and layer 4 of OSI module if attacker wish to penetrate over network layer.

Primary Network Types

               Primary Network Types   1. Local Area Network (LAN):In LAN, a computer network cover small local area like home, office and small workgroups such as schools or university. WI-FI and Ethernet are commonly used for LAN. 2. Wide area network (WAN): In WAN, a computer network cover larger area like on national or regional level. A wide area network can be used as Local area network, metropolitan area network (MAN), or for campus are network (CAN). 3. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): In WLAN, devices are connected wirelessly by the mechanism of wireless distribution method (OFDM Radio or any other). In WLAN, generally a access point provides the connection and hence provide the user an ease of mobility. WLAN is easy to install and maintain. However it became very popular these days with laptops and personal Devices. It had observed that at railway stations, malls, hotels, ect. are equipped with WLAN.

Using Ping in windows command line

                       Using Ping  in windows command line a. open command prompt (cmd) in windows (press win+R and type cmd) b. Type " ping target " (replace target with IP or website or target). For ex: ping or ping c.  Packets will be transferred between attacker and target. 0% loss indicates ping command completed and packet are successfully transferred . d. TTL stands for Time to live and generally 4 packets are transferred between attacker and target but it can be increased. e. To understand more about ping command, type ping -h or ping /? In internal. It will open help for ping command. It can be used in kali Linux as well.

List operators used in c

                    List operators used in c 1) Arithmetic operators 2) Assignment operators 3) Increment\Decrement operators 4) Logical operators 5) Conditional operators 6) Special operators Arithmetic operators +      Addition / Unwy plus -       Subtraction / Unwy mmus *        Multiplication /          Division %   Modulo Division

key word are special reserved word in python

    key word are special reserved word in python 1) False,  2) Class,  3) Finally,  4) Is,  5) Return,  6) None,  7) Continue, 8) For,  9) Lambda,  10) Try, 11) True, 12) And, 13) As, 14) Del, 15) Def, 16) Elif, 17) If, 18) Or, 19) Yield, 20) With, 21) Global, 22) From, 23) Nonlocal, 24) White, 25) Not

How to Viewing all TCP\UPD Connection and Listening Ports Using Netstat

  TCP\UPD Connection and Listening Ports Using Netstat 1: first open command prompt. 2:  Type "netstat -an"  3: To explore more about netstat command type "netstat -h" or "netstat -?" to open help window.    

for loop(Programme in C)

                        for loop(Programme in C) //title:        for loop //brief:     prints value of i for each iteration starting from 1 to 10 using for loop. //result:    Value of i: 1 //           Value of i: 2 //           Value of i: 3 //           Value of i: 4 //           Value of i: 5 //           Value of i: 6 //           Value of i: 7 //            Value of i: 8 //           Value of i: 9 //           Value of i: 10   #include <stdio.h>...

While Loop(Programme in C)

            While Loop(Programme in C) //title:     While Loop //brief:     prints value of i for each iteration starting from 1 to 9 using //           while loop. //result:    Value of i: 1 //           Value of i: 2 //           Value of i: 3 //           Value of i: 4 //           Value of i: 5 //           Value of i: 6 //           Value of i: 7 //           Value of i: 8 //           Value of i: 9   #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //start of main function int...

Switch-Case Structure(Programme in C)

                  Switch-Case Structure(Programme in C) //title:      Switch-Case Structure //brief:     this program is of performs simple arithmetic calculations. //            it prints menu of possible operation choice, //           asks user to choose one of the possible operations, //           performs any one operation for valid choice, //           and prints error message for invalid choice. //result:    1. Add //            2. Sub //           3. Mul //           4. Div //           Enter your choice: 1 //  ...

Else-if ladder(Programme in c)

                    Else-if ladder( Programme  in c) #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> //start of main function int main() {     //variable declaration int marks;     //get marks from user     printf("Enter your marks between 0-70: ");     scanf("%d", &marks);     //decide grade using else-if ladder and print result if (marks >= 90)         printf("YOUR GRADE : A\n"); else if (marks >= 45 && marks < 70)         printf("YOUR GRADE : A\n"); else if (marks >= 35 && marks < 45)         printf("YOUR GRADE : B\n"); else printf("YOUR GRADE : Failed\n");     //terminate main function and return 0 as output return (0); }

Nested if-else(programme in c )

                                  Nested if-else(programme in c ) #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int main() { int n1,n2,n3,min;     //get three integer numbers from user     printf("Enter three integer numbers: ");     scanf("%d %d %d",&n1,&n2,&n3);     //find the minimum if (n1<n2)     { if (n1<n3)             min=n1; else min=n3;     } else { if (n2<n3)             min=n2; else min=n3;     }     //print result     printf("Minimum is: %d\n",min);     //terminate main function and return 0 as output     return 0; }

If-else Structure(programme of c)

                                                 If-else Structure(programme of c) #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //start of main function int main() {     //variable declaration int x, y, min;     //get two integer numbers from user     printf("Enter two integers: ");     scanf("%d %d", &x, &y);     //find the minimum if (x < y)         min = x; else min = y;     //print result     printf("Minimum is: %d\n", min);     return 0; }

Phases of Hacking

                                                               Phases of Hacking 1-Reconnaissance 2-Scanning 3-Gaining Access 4-Maintaining Access 5-COvering Tracks 1-Reconniassance: In this phase, Attacker find information about target. It can be done actively or passively. It brings us closer to the target by giving some sensitive information about target. 2-Scanning: In this phase , attacker find much more information about target. attacker can perform port scanning or various assessments in order to get sensitive information about target. 3-Gainning Access: In this phase, attacker actually performs HACK. Using the information or vulnerability found by pervious phases, attacker takes advantage and perform exploit to gain access. 4-Maintaining Access: In this phase, attacker install backdoors or trojans in order to maintain acc...

Python Programme (Extracting Individual Element)

                             * Extracting Individual Element Python Programme #Extracting Individual Element #Example-1 l1 = [1,"L",2,"K",3,"R"] #after print l1[1] l1[1] OUT PUT : 'L' #Example-2 l2 = [8,"N",9,"D",10,"A"] #after print l2[1:8] l2[1:8] OUT PUT : ['N', 9, 'D', 10, 'A']

HelloWorld Program of C

                                           HelloWorld Program of C #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>   int main( void ) { puts("Hello World!"); /* prints Hello World! */ return 0; }

Learn Ethical Hacking series blog (Episode - 1 )

                                        What is Hacking ? Hacking simply Refers To "GAINING Unauthorized Access Into A System" Or We can also say that main aim of Hacking is "To compromise the security of a system in order to gain Access into it" In India Hackers are Treated as Criminals by those who are Not Familiar with working of a hacker. They Only see -ve side of Hacker. That's why India have less hackers as compared to other developing and developed countries. In India, Ethical Hackers are also known as information security expert or cyber security analyst.                                               Types of Hacker 1 - White hat hacker : Hacker who works defensively. They perform hacking and security checks with authority. They are known for security. 2 - Black ...