
what is worms

 what is worms  worms are malicious programs like viruses and have almost same functionality. but worms differ from the viruses. A worm does not require any kind of human involvement whereas a virus need some form of human involvement special property of worm. worms can be considered as special type of viruses. worms have ability to replicate itself in the system but they are not able to attach themselves to target system program. worms can be spread over the infected network without any human involvement where as a virus is not able to do so. hence there are few things which a virus can't do but worm can but ultimately the worm is special kind of virus.

Basic 5 termux command

Basic 5 termux command 1) Termux- clear screen For clear all screen content run the clear command * clear 2) Termux- change directory cd command use for change our current working directory to another directory, type cd and your directory name. I'm moving in /desktop directory. cd /desktop 3) Termux- move back directory If you want one directory to move back by using cd .. you can easily back one directory. and you wanna back to directories use the cd ../../ command cd .. cd ../../  4) Termux- creat new file by using the touch command we can easily create a file touch <file-name>  5) Termux- history all previous run command  checking all previous run command. history

what is digital volt meter

what is digital volt meter A  digital voltmeter  (DVM) measures an unknown input voltage by converting the voltage to a  digital  value and then displays the voltage in numeric form. DVMs are usually designed around a special type of analog-to- digital  converter called an integrating converter.

perent class in python

  perent class in python class vehicle :     def __init__(self,mileage,cost):         self.mileage=mileage         self.cost=cost          def show_details(self):         print("i am a vehicle")         print("mileage of vehicle",self.mileage)         print("cost of vehicle is",self.cost) v1 = vehicle(24,2525252) v1.show_details() #OUT PUT i am a vehicle mileage of vehicle 24 cost of vehicle is 2525252

child class in perent class

  child class in perent class #perent class class vehicle :     def __init__(self,mileage,cost):         self.mileage=mileage         self.cost=cost          def show_details(self):         print("i am a vehicle")         print("mileage of vehicle",self.mileage)         print("cost of vehicle is",self.cost) v1 = vehicle(24,2525252) #child class class car(vehicle):     def __init__(self,mileage,cost,tyres,hp):         super().__init__(mileage,cost)         self.tyres=tyres         self.hp=hp     def show_car_details(self):         print("Numbers of tyres in car: ",self.tyres)         print("value of hourse power",self.hp)         print("i am a car") c1=car(240,2525235,8,999) c1.show_car_details() Numbers of tyres...

Common types of cyber attacks

  Common types of cyber attacks Malware. Malware is a term used to describe malicious software, including spyware, ransomware, viruses, and worms. ... Phishing . ... Man-in-the-middle attack. ... Denial-of-service attack . ... SQL  injection. ... Zero-day exploit. ... DNS Tunneling.

What is Resistor

What is Resistor? Resistor is defined as A passive electrical component with two terminals that are used for either limiting or regulating the flow of electric current in electrical circuits.   What is the SI Unit of Resistor? The SI unit of resistor is Ohm. Color Color code Black 0 Brown 1 Red 2 Orange 3 Yellow 4 Green 5 Blue 6 Violet 7 Grey 8 White 9

creating the class in python

creating the class in python class Phone :     def make_call(self):         print("Making phone call")     def play_game(self):         print("playing game") p1 = Phone() p1.make_call() out put Making phone call p1.play_game() out put playing game

Adding Parameters to the class

Adding Parameters to the class  class Phone :      def set_color(self,color):         self.color = color     def set_cost(self,cost):         self.cost = cost     def show_color(self):         return self.color     def show_cost(self):         return self.cost     def make_call (self):         print("Making phone call")     def play_game (self):         print("Playing a game") p2 = Phone() p2.set_color("red") p2.set_cost(39889) p2.show_color() out put red p2.show_cost() out put 39899 p2.make_call() out put Making phone call p2.play_game() out put Playing a game

while loop with list in python

 while loop with list in python l1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6] i=0 while i<len(l1):     l1[i] =l1[i]+100     i=i+1 l1 OUT PUT [101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106]

Nested For Loop (Multiple line) in Python

 Nested For Loop (Multiple line) in Python l1 = ['orange','mango','apple'] l2 = ['banana','lemon','tamato'] for i in l1:     for j in l2:         print(i,j) OUT PUT orange banana orange lemon orange tamato mango banana mango lemon mango tamato apple banana apple lemon apple tamato

For Loop in Python

For Loop in Python  l1 = [1,'a',2,'b'] for i in l1: print(i) OUT PUT 1 a 2 b

Function in python Example: odd even Numbers

 Function in python Example: odd even Numbers  def odd_even(x):     if x%2==0:         print(x ,"is even")     else :         print (x ,"is odd") odd_even(10)

Silicone Control Rectifier

 * SCR ( Silicone Control Device ) ⇨ SCR is PNPN Semiconductor Device .  ⇨ SCR is a Three Terminal Device . ⇨ Three Junction . ⇨ Four Layer . * Three Terminal  ⇨ Anode ⇨ Cathode ⇨ Gate * What is Silicone Controlled Rectifier ?                                      

while loop program in python

           while loop program in python  i=1 while i<=10:     print(i)     i=i+1

What is foot printing

         What is foot printing   Footprinting Is first phase in hacking . In this collection of information took place. Information which is generally available may contain sensitive information . Using   footprinting attacker can collect information like emails , contact , domain name information and using social engineering even more sensitive data . Footprinting is necessary step, the information gathered in this step is used further to exploit or hack the target . In this module   , various aspects of footprinting would be covered .                                                                      ...

What is System Hacking

          What is System Hacking In this phase of system hacking , attacker actually performs HACK This is exploitation phase of hacking . Information gathered from previous phases is required to perform hack . From the various phases like scanning and footrprinting , attacker gathers information about target and finds the vulnerability . Now using the same vulnerability , in phase of system hacking , attacker performs the actual hack . In system hacking , we perform cracking system passwords in order to escalate the privileges .

Some of the useful ports are:

                                   Some of the useful ports are: Port Name              Port Number ftp 21/tcp   Ssh 22/tcp telnet 23/tcp Stmp 25/tcp htpp 80/tcp Kerberos 88/tcp Pop3 110/tcp Imap 143/tcp https 443/tcp Ftps-data 989/tcp Ftps 990/tcp Telnets 992/tcp Imaps 993/tcp Pop3s 995/tcp Ldap 389/tcp

What is Scanning

                         Scanning scanning is phase of information gathering in which attacker gather more advanced information about the target like open ports and services running , operating system of the target , etc . Generally this phase gives us vulnerable point about the target. Information gathered by scanning is very important in performing actual HACK . It is important phase which help in gaining access into the system. In scanning, ect. will be covered. Attacker      →   OSI Layer (Layer 3 & 4)    ⟶  Target Network  Between attacker and target the core OSI module layers, layer 3 which is ipv4 , ipv6 and icmp and layer 4 which is TCP  and UPD is present. Transmission over a network is done through these layers. It is compulsory to understand the working of layer 3 and layer 4 of OSI module if attacker wish to penetrate over network layer.

Primary Network Types

               Primary Network Types   1. Local Area Network (LAN):In LAN, a computer network cover small local area like home, office and small workgroups such as schools or university. WI-FI and Ethernet are commonly used for LAN. 2. Wide area network (WAN): In WAN, a computer network cover larger area like on national or regional level. A wide area network can be used as Local area network, metropolitan area network (MAN), or for campus are network (CAN). 3. Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN): In WLAN, devices are connected wirelessly by the mechanism of wireless distribution method (OFDM Radio or any other). In WLAN, generally a access point provides the connection and hence provide the user an ease of mobility. WLAN is easy to install and maintain. However it became very popular these days with laptops and personal Devices. It had observed that at railway stations, malls, hotels, ect. are equipped with WLAN.

Using Ping in windows command line

                       Using Ping  in windows command line a. open command prompt (cmd) in windows (press win+R and type cmd) b. Type " ping target " (replace target with IP or website or target). For ex: ping or ping c.  Packets will be transferred between attacker and target. 0% loss indicates ping command completed and packet are successfully transferred . d. TTL stands for Time to live and generally 4 packets are transferred between attacker and target but it can be increased. e. To understand more about ping command, type ping -h or ping /? In internal. It will open help for ping command. It can be used in kali Linux as well.

List operators used in c

                    List operators used in c 1) Arithmetic operators 2) Assignment operators 3) Increment\Decrement operators 4) Logical operators 5) Conditional operators 6) Special operators Arithmetic operators +      Addition / Unwy plus -       Subtraction / Unwy mmus *        Multiplication /          Division %   Modulo Division

key word are special reserved word in python

    key word are special reserved word in python 1) False,  2) Class,  3) Finally,  4) Is,  5) Return,  6) None,  7) Continue, 8) For,  9) Lambda,  10) Try, 11) True, 12) And, 13) As, 14) Del, 15) Def, 16) Elif, 17) If, 18) Or, 19) Yield, 20) With, 21) Global, 22) From, 23) Nonlocal, 24) White, 25) Not

How to Viewing all TCP\UPD Connection and Listening Ports Using Netstat

  TCP\UPD Connection and Listening Ports Using Netstat 1: first open command prompt. 2:  Type "netstat -an"  3: To explore more about netstat command type "netstat -h" or "netstat -?" to open help window.    

for loop(Programme in C)

                        for loop(Programme in C) //title:        for loop //brief:     prints value of i for each iteration starting from 1 to 10 using for loop. //result:    Value of i: 1 //           Value of i: 2 //           Value of i: 3 //           Value of i: 4 //           Value of i: 5 //           Value of i: 6 //           Value of i: 7 //            Value of i: 8 //           Value of i: 9 //           Value of i: 10   #include <stdio.h>...

While Loop(Programme in C)

            While Loop(Programme in C) //title:     While Loop //brief:     prints value of i for each iteration starting from 1 to 9 using //           while loop. //result:    Value of i: 1 //           Value of i: 2 //           Value of i: 3 //           Value of i: 4 //           Value of i: 5 //           Value of i: 6 //           Value of i: 7 //           Value of i: 8 //           Value of i: 9   #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> //start of main function int...

Switch-Case Structure(Programme in C)

                  Switch-Case Structure(Programme in C) //title:      Switch-Case Structure //brief:     this program is of performs simple arithmetic calculations. //            it prints menu of possible operation choice, //           asks user to choose one of the possible operations, //           performs any one operation for valid choice, //           and prints error message for invalid choice. //result:    1. Add //            2. Sub //           3. Mul //           4. Div //           Enter your choice: 1 //  ...